Mrs. Durant leads her peers through getting their Google Classrooms ready for the new school year.

LCS 2021-22 is underway! New teacher orientation…#lindneaglepride it’s about impact! @Lindenschools

High school is ready for textbook distribution. Don’t miss orientation today #Welcomeback

Getting ready for our students with engaging interactive Google content today! Can’t wait to have you in class.

LHS Update Vol. 2 is available. Check out the latest updates for Linden High School... https://www.smore.com/vgm39

We are happy to report that the 2021/2022 LHS Student schedules are done and available in Studentvue. We will make them available in Parentvue late next week. #lindeneaglepride

Due to power outage Linden's Summer School Learning Camp has been canceled for Thursday, Aug. 12. LHS Testing Out has also been canceled for Thursday. LHS athletic coaches will communicate with their athletes regarding practices for Aug. 12.

Keep your student's school in the loop by completing school year acknowledgements for the 2021-2022 school year.

THANK YOU! #lindeneaglepride

August's edition of Supt's Corner includes back-to-school information, school calendars, open house dates and times, and etc. Use the following link to review Supt's Corner. https://bit.ly/37jLlsD

LCS Open House and Orientation information for the 2021-22 school year.

LCS Open House and Orientation information for the 2021-22 school year.

LCS Open House and Orientation information for the 2021-22 school year.

More information on the #lindeneaglepride LCS Non-Homestead Operating Millage Renewal can be found on our website (http://lindenschoolsmillage.com). Remeber to VOTE on August 3! @lindenmichigan @LindenEagles

The Mobile Education Lab is coming to @lindenmichigan on Aug. 15! M.E.L provides #lindeneaglepride families and students with educational opportunities and resources. Find our more about M.E.L at https://bit.ly/2UxTYwk @LindenSchools

LCS ParentVue and StudentVue applications will be unavailable beginning July 9th at 7:00 p.m. for maintenance. The system will be back online by Saturday morning. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. @lindenmichigan @CE_Linden @LindenEagles

Our District Needs Substitutes! Subs are needed for teachers, secretaries, parapros and more!

Our District Needs Substitutes!
Subs are needed for teachers, secretaries, parapros and more!

Wishing our district community a happy and safe 4th of July.