Students may choose to opt out of their semester final exams if they meet the following criteria:
- May not have five (5) or more absences (Excused or Unexcused) in a class for the semester.
- Medical excuses MUST be submitted within one (1) week of the date(s) of the absence(s). Documentation MUST include a diagnosis of the illness and specific date(s) the student could not attend school.
- ALL absences MUST be reported to the school in writing by a parent. Absences MUST be reported within 48 hours from the day the student returns to school. Excuse notes received after 48 hours WILL NOT excuse the absence. Absences NOT calculated in the absence procedure include:
Suspensions by school administrator
School related absences
Absences due to a death in the immediate family
Medical appointments with documentation
Court appointments with documentation
College visits (2 per semester).
- May not have more than three (3) tardies in any class for the semester.
Students EAGLE Time absences and tardy’s will be included for ALL semester final exams.
No semester suspensions, violation of the academic dishonesty policy, violations of the acceptable use policy and/or multiple discipline referrals
Note: Missing 11 or more minutes of a class constitutes an absence.
Students must also meet one of the following academic criteria: ·
Minimum grade of 80% in a class OR,
Minimum grade of 68% AND no missing assignments or assessments in the class
Online students, Online courses, Dual enrollment, or EMC classes are not subject to the semester final exam exemption.
Points of Clarification:
Students who qualify for the final exam incentive will have the OPTION, and are ENCOURAGED to take final exams. The exam grade will be calculated into the semester grade if it IMPROVES THE SEMESTER GRADE. Exempt students choosing to take the final exam will not have their grades lowered if they choose to take the exam, or the exam grade negatively affects their semester grade.
The minimum course grade requirements (80% in the class, or 68% AND no missing assignments) must be fulfilled within five school days prior to the end of the semester, or as directed by the teacher.
Disqualification due to suspension, academic dishonesty, multiple discipline referrals, or AUP violations can take place up to and including exam days.
Students and parents can review their absences in StudentVUE and/or ParentVue. If a student reaches five (5) absences or more in any one class they do not qualify for the incentive in that class.
Students who are not exempt from taking the final exam, and do not complete the final exam will receive an E on their final exam accounting for 20% of their final semester grade.
Students can be absent from the exam review AND exam, If they have four (4) or less absences in the course on the day preceding the final exam.