LCS Strategic Plan Input
In 2018, Linden Community Schools developed and implemented a new Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is designed to guide the district's direction to create an educational institution that creates a successful academic and non-academic environment for all stakeholders. Over the past few years, the LCS Strategic Plan has been a constant in providing direction for the success of the Linden Community School District.
As we move forward, your voice and feedback is important to the continued success of our district. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to help us determine the impact our Strategic Plan is having on the Linden Community School District. Your feedback will help LCS continue to grow and strive to stay true to its Mission Statement, "to educate, nurture, and develop all learners to be self-directed and to strive for excellence with confidence and integrity by working cooperatively with students, staff, parents, and community."
The survey will be open from April 5, 2023, to April 28, 2023.
LCS Strategic Plan Survey 2023
Thank you for your time and efforts.